Homeless hungry and sad
Lonely distant with love
Traveling with only the sun
I got down
And never got back up
I left home
And I never seen mom again
I found some cardboard
And I learned how to dance
Real punk
I keep a picture of me
How it was back then
Before all the drugs
Dragged me in
And conditioned me
All over my bones
I left school
And lost all my friends
I know the ABC’s
But I never got to college
To show me
Now I talk to me
Heart for alone tricks
On every street that I walk on
Gain a few cans at a time
Ready to fight
If the wolves
Try to take them
Wearing more of
My mistakes
As I make them
I never got a
Birthday cake
And I still can’t
Shake that feeling
Homeless hungry and sad
Lonely distant with love
I got down
And never got back up
I keep a picture of me
How it was back then
--- written by Evan